Android Libraries - GSON,Picasso,Crouton,Butterknife,OkHttp,Dagger,slf4j,Joda-time,leanback,Otto,nine old android
Android Libraries to make Life easy Android Libraries - GSON,Picasso,Crouton,Butterknife,OkHttp,Dagger,slf4j,Joda-time,leanback,Otto,nine old android In android we have lot of libraries that are approved and recommended by the google and being the part of the android. In this document lets us walk through those libraries their uses, usage and benefits of using them. Libraries: The following are some of the libraries that are given in the Android Studio by default, Mediarouter-v7 Leanback-v17 GSON Joda-time Picasso Otto Slf4j Crouton Nine old Android ...